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Here we are … we have reached the event that my family is looking forward to !!!

They are 30 years of management, 30 years of joys and sorrows, of goals and defeats, of satisfactions and disappointments … they are 30 years of us adoring children of Babbo Adriano who can only be proud of the love we have felt and have shown!

A special thanks to mum Elena, Giorgio and Armando for making this journey unforgettable!

Thanks to our collaborators who demonstrate a great sense of duty every day but above all thanks to the many customers and friends who make sense of all this!Best wishes to us, unstoppable warriors!

Thanks Babbo for everything you taught me, for the man you were, for the pride I feel every time I say your name Noi exactly 30 years ago.

Best wishes and thanks.....
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Thanks to our collaborators who demonstrate a great sense of duty every day but above all thanks to the many customers and friends who make sense of all this!

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30 years of the family Ciccarelli.

"Gran Caffè Sciarra: let the Party begin..."

Opening Hours
Saturday 06.00 – 03.00

Sunday 06.00 – 03.00

Monday 06.00 – 03.00

Tuesday 06.00 – 03.00

Wednesday – Closed

Thursday 06.00 – 03.00

Friday 06.00 – 03.00


0735 587312